
ViTel Net Generate 20 High-Quality Telehealth Leads in Just 8 Weeks

ViTel Net Generate 20 High-Quality Telehealth Leads in Just 8 Weeks

ViTel Net Generate 20 High-Quality Telehealth Leads in Just 8 Weeks

Even established companies can struggle to fill their sales pipeline consistently

Even established companies can struggle to fill their sales pipeline consistently

"The Sparkliaison team is wonderful to work with. They've helped us refine our messaging and USPs brilliantly, and laid the groundwork for running other successful marketing campaigns."

Paula Cardona, Director of Marketing at ViTel Net

About this project

About this project

ViTel Net is a pioneer in telehealth technology, developing HIPAA-compliant solutions that enable remote patient care for over 30 years. However, when the COVID-19 pandemic sparked mass adoption of telehealth, they found themselves unable to effectively educate prospects on the superiority of their platforms. Lower-cost, non-compliant solutions were gaining traction as ViTel Net's outdated messaging failed to resonate.

That's when they partnered with Sparkliaison to revamp their positioning and prospecting strategy. In just 8 weeks, we helped ViTel Net book 20 sales appointments with ideal prospects at hospitals and clinics across the country.

The Stale Pipeline Before Sparkliaison

Like most B2B companies, ViTel Net previously relied on referrals, conferences, and outbound sales efforts for lead generation. However, their messaging focused heavily on product capabilities rather than client pain points and benefits.

Their sales team struggled to articulate the full value of ViTel Net's telehealth solutions, which provide:

  • Cloud-based platform for real-time video conferencing and data sharing

  • HIPAA-compliant software integrated with major EHR/EMR systems

  • Specialty modules for tele-ICU, virtual visits, remote patient monitoring, and more

  • Seamless interoperability between devices, locations, and care teams

While ViTel Net had clear technical advantages, they couldn't translate those into compelling messaging that resonated with decision-makers at hospitals and clinics. Outreach attempts fell flat, conferences went un-attended during COVID, and the referral pipeline dwindled.

A New, Prospect-Centric Approach

We started by getting into the mindset of ViTel Net's ideal buyers through customer interviews and market research. We learned the key challenges they faced like:

  • Ensuring HIPAA compliance and security with telehealth technology

  • Improving care coordination and clinical workflow across teams

  • Reducing IT complexity with integrated, interoperable platforms

  • Providing high-quality video and data-sharing for remote patient visits

Using those insights, we crafted new positioning that directly spoke to prospect pain points. Instead of leading with product details, we highlighted the benefits of ViTel Net's telehealth solutions:

"Deliver higher quality, secure remote care with our fully integrated, HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform. Streamline clinical workflows across your entire care team while ensuring seamless communication and collaboration."

We then mapped out a 8-week prospecting campaign to get this targeted messaging in front of ViTel Net's ideal prospects at hospitals and clinics nationwide.

The Step-by-Step Prospecting System

Defined ViTel Net's ideal customer profile (ICP) based on their most successful existing clients. We targeted healthcare administrators, IT leaders, and clinical directors at organizations already using or evaluating telehealth.

  1. Built a highly-targeted contact list of 10,000+ ICP prospects by combining internal data with technographic and intent data from third-party intelligence platforms.

  2. Crafted customized outbound email sequences promoting ViTel Net's key benefits and offering a consultation call to learn about each prospect's specific needs.

  3. Developed a multi-channel outreach cadence across email and phone combined with rigorous follow-up sequences to maximize connection rates.

  4. Continuously optimized messaging based on performance data, refining subject lines, calls-to-action, and value propositions for maximum impact.

  5. Managed all prospect communication through a central CRM system to ensure a seamless handoff to ViTel Net's sales team for booked appointments.

Sparking Telehealth Innovation with Qualified Conversations

In the first 8 weeks of the prospecting campaign, we booked 20 qualified sales appointments for ViTel Net to discuss their innovative telehealth solutions.

These connected conversations allowed ViTel Net's experienced sales reps to dig deeper into each prospect's challenges and share relevant case studies. With a steady flow of high-quality meetings scheduled, they're well-positioned to accelerate sales cycles.

More importantly, the new messaging framework strategically aligned ViTel Net's value proposition with the priorities of healthcare decision-makers. This lays the foundation for scalable, repeatable lead generation long-term.

As Paula Cardona shared, "They've laid the groundwork for running other successful marketing campaigns in the future. Thank you, team!"

If you're ready to promote your telehealth solutions more strategically, let's talk about launching a targeted prospecting campaign. 

Book a consultation to learn more about our process.

ViTel Net is a pioneer in telehealth technology, developing HIPAA-compliant solutions that enable remote patient care for over 30 years. However, when the COVID-19 pandemic sparked mass adoption of telehealth, they found themselves unable to effectively educate prospects on the superiority of their platforms. Lower-cost, non-compliant solutions were gaining traction as ViTel Net's outdated messaging failed to resonate.

That's when they partnered with Sparkliaison to revamp their positioning and prospecting strategy. In just 8 weeks, we helped ViTel Net book 20 sales appointments with ideal prospects at hospitals and clinics across the country.

The Stale Pipeline Before Sparkliaison

Like most B2B companies, ViTel Net previously relied on referrals, conferences, and outbound sales efforts for lead generation. However, their messaging focused heavily on product capabilities rather than client pain points and benefits.

Their sales team struggled to articulate the full value of ViTel Net's telehealth solutions, which provide:

  • Cloud-based platform for real-time video conferencing and data sharing

  • HIPAA-compliant software integrated with major EHR/EMR systems

  • Specialty modules for tele-ICU, virtual visits, remote patient monitoring, and more

  • Seamless interoperability between devices, locations, and care teams

While ViTel Net had clear technical advantages, they couldn't translate those into compelling messaging that resonated with decision-makers at hospitals and clinics. Outreach attempts fell flat, conferences went un-attended during COVID, and the referral pipeline dwindled.

A New, Prospect-Centric Approach

We started by getting into the mindset of ViTel Net's ideal buyers through customer interviews and market research. We learned the key challenges they faced like:

  • Ensuring HIPAA compliance and security with telehealth technology

  • Improving care coordination and clinical workflow across teams

  • Reducing IT complexity with integrated, interoperable platforms

  • Providing high-quality video and data-sharing for remote patient visits

Using those insights, we crafted new positioning that directly spoke to prospect pain points. Instead of leading with product details, we highlighted the benefits of ViTel Net's telehealth solutions:

"Deliver higher quality, secure remote care with our fully integrated, HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform. Streamline clinical workflows across your entire care team while ensuring seamless communication and collaboration."

We then mapped out a 8-week prospecting campaign to get this targeted messaging in front of ViTel Net's ideal prospects at hospitals and clinics nationwide.

The Step-by-Step Prospecting System

Defined ViTel Net's ideal customer profile (ICP) based on their most successful existing clients. We targeted healthcare administrators, IT leaders, and clinical directors at organizations already using or evaluating telehealth.

  1. Built a highly-targeted contact list of 10,000+ ICP prospects by combining internal data with technographic and intent data from third-party intelligence platforms.

  2. Crafted customized outbound email sequences promoting ViTel Net's key benefits and offering a consultation call to learn about each prospect's specific needs.

  3. Developed a multi-channel outreach cadence across email and phone combined with rigorous follow-up sequences to maximize connection rates.

  4. Continuously optimized messaging based on performance data, refining subject lines, calls-to-action, and value propositions for maximum impact.

  5. Managed all prospect communication through a central CRM system to ensure a seamless handoff to ViTel Net's sales team for booked appointments.

Sparking Telehealth Innovation with Qualified Conversations

In the first 8 weeks of the prospecting campaign, we booked 20 qualified sales appointments for ViTel Net to discuss their innovative telehealth solutions.

These connected conversations allowed ViTel Net's experienced sales reps to dig deeper into each prospect's challenges and share relevant case studies. With a steady flow of high-quality meetings scheduled, they're well-positioned to accelerate sales cycles.

More importantly, the new messaging framework strategically aligned ViTel Net's value proposition with the priorities of healthcare decision-makers. This lays the foundation for scalable, repeatable lead generation long-term.

As Paula Cardona shared, "They've laid the groundwork for running other successful marketing campaigns in the future. Thank you, team!"

If you're ready to promote your telehealth solutions more strategically, let's talk about launching a targeted prospecting campaign. 

Book a consultation to learn more about our process.

ViTel Net is a pioneer in telehealth technology, developing HIPAA-compliant solutions that enable remote patient care for over 30 years. However, when the COVID-19 pandemic sparked mass adoption of telehealth, they found themselves unable to effectively educate prospects on the superiority of their platforms. Lower-cost, non-compliant solutions were gaining traction as ViTel Net's outdated messaging failed to resonate.

That's when they partnered with Sparkliaison to revamp their positioning and prospecting strategy. In just 8 weeks, we helped ViTel Net book 20 sales appointments with ideal prospects at hospitals and clinics across the country.

The Stale Pipeline Before Sparkliaison

Like most B2B companies, ViTel Net previously relied on referrals, conferences, and outbound sales efforts for lead generation. However, their messaging focused heavily on product capabilities rather than client pain points and benefits.

Their sales team struggled to articulate the full value of ViTel Net's telehealth solutions, which provide:

  • Cloud-based platform for real-time video conferencing and data sharing

  • HIPAA-compliant software integrated with major EHR/EMR systems

  • Specialty modules for tele-ICU, virtual visits, remote patient monitoring, and more

  • Seamless interoperability between devices, locations, and care teams

While ViTel Net had clear technical advantages, they couldn't translate those into compelling messaging that resonated with decision-makers at hospitals and clinics. Outreach attempts fell flat, conferences went un-attended during COVID, and the referral pipeline dwindled.

A New, Prospect-Centric Approach

We started by getting into the mindset of ViTel Net's ideal buyers through customer interviews and market research. We learned the key challenges they faced like:

  • Ensuring HIPAA compliance and security with telehealth technology

  • Improving care coordination and clinical workflow across teams

  • Reducing IT complexity with integrated, interoperable platforms

  • Providing high-quality video and data-sharing for remote patient visits

Using those insights, we crafted new positioning that directly spoke to prospect pain points. Instead of leading with product details, we highlighted the benefits of ViTel Net's telehealth solutions:

"Deliver higher quality, secure remote care with our fully integrated, HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform. Streamline clinical workflows across your entire care team while ensuring seamless communication and collaboration."

We then mapped out a 8-week prospecting campaign to get this targeted messaging in front of ViTel Net's ideal prospects at hospitals and clinics nationwide.

The Step-by-Step Prospecting System

Defined ViTel Net's ideal customer profile (ICP) based on their most successful existing clients. We targeted healthcare administrators, IT leaders, and clinical directors at organizations already using or evaluating telehealth.

  1. Built a highly-targeted contact list of 10,000+ ICP prospects by combining internal data with technographic and intent data from third-party intelligence platforms.

  2. Crafted customized outbound email sequences promoting ViTel Net's key benefits and offering a consultation call to learn about each prospect's specific needs.

  3. Developed a multi-channel outreach cadence across email and phone combined with rigorous follow-up sequences to maximize connection rates.

  4. Continuously optimized messaging based on performance data, refining subject lines, calls-to-action, and value propositions for maximum impact.

  5. Managed all prospect communication through a central CRM system to ensure a seamless handoff to ViTel Net's sales team for booked appointments.

Sparking Telehealth Innovation with Qualified Conversations

In the first 8 weeks of the prospecting campaign, we booked 20 qualified sales appointments for ViTel Net to discuss their innovative telehealth solutions.

These connected conversations allowed ViTel Net's experienced sales reps to dig deeper into each prospect's challenges and share relevant case studies. With a steady flow of high-quality meetings scheduled, they're well-positioned to accelerate sales cycles.

More importantly, the new messaging framework strategically aligned ViTel Net's value proposition with the priorities of healthcare decision-makers. This lays the foundation for scalable, repeatable lead generation long-term.

As Paula Cardona shared, "They've laid the groundwork for running other successful marketing campaigns in the future. Thank you, team!"

If you're ready to promote your telehealth solutions more strategically, let's talk about launching a targeted prospecting campaign. 

Book a consultation to learn more about our process.

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We've successfully booked meetings with numerous major conglomerates and 8 to 9-figure companies worldwide.

Our extensive network and strategic approach have enabled us to connect our clients with some of the most influential businesses across the globe.

We’ve Booked Meetings With

We've successfully booked meetings with numerous major conglomerates and 8 to 9-figure companies worldwide.

Our extensive network and strategic approach have enabled us to connect our clients with some of the most influential businesses across the globe.

We’ve Booked Meetings With

We've successfully booked meetings with numerous major conglomerates and 8 to 9-figure companies worldwide.

Our extensive network and strategic approach have enabled us to connect our clients with some of the most influential businesses across the globe.

Meaningful conversations

Meaningful conversations

Connecting you with your dream clients

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We start conversations with your ideal clients and book sales calls straight onto your calendar.

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